As far as I can remember I have loved, I mean L-O-V-E-D big bags. The bigger the better. I can remember buying my first Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag, I found it on sale at Saks, it was so beautiful, cognac in color, and made of genuine leather, oh how I love the smell of new leather. I loved it so much and still give it a go around every now an then. With that love also came a bit of shoulder pain. I couldn't figure out what it was the first couple of times I wore the bag but then I realized with this obsession that I had with large bags also came an extra 5-10lbs that I lugged on my shoulder everytime I went out. Well recently to my surprise I have been more into smaller messenger style bags. I know, they don't hold much more than a cell phone, car keys, and wallet but that's all you need right? Happy Friday Everyone!
i'm the same way, my love of large then small handbags comes and goes in waves. just gotta have both i suppose! ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, mam, I don't think I will ever give up my big bags....I have just added to the collection. Thank you for stopping by!